Liberation Teachings on the Satipaṭṭhāna Meditation Practice
ISBN 978-986-3512-29-4
Size: 5.5” x 8.25”
Pages: 108 pages
The teachings contained in this publicationare a selection of transcribed talks given by Venerable Sayādaw U Paṇḍita atthe Tathagatha Meditation Center, in San Jose, California over a number ofyears.
To be in the midst of noble warriorssteeped in the satipaṭṭhana meditation practice is a blessing, to learn fromthem, a rare occurrence, and to realize their wisdom, an aspiration.
Freedom Within was completed in the wake ofMost Venerable Sayādaw U Paṇḍita’s passing away on 16 April 2016.
Although his passing away is anincalculable loss, he continues in our midst, teaching us, guiding us in theBuddha’s way through the valuable utterances of Dhamma, which he has shared onmany occasions.
Work on this publication commenced as amark of appreciation and gratitude to the Venerable Sayādaw, to venerate hisworth as one of the most insightful meditation masters of our time, hisgenerosity with time and tireless service.
It is hoped that the insightful andpractical teachings contained in this publication are a helpful guide to thosededicated to the Buddha’s way, the direction of travel where all thingsuncreated and unbound are free of cessation.
About the Author
Sayadaw U Pandita is the Ovadacariya (Chief Preceptor) and Abbot ofPanditarama Meditation Centre in Yangon, Myanmar. He also heads the PanditaramaHse Main Gon Forest Meditation Centre and other branch monasteries in Myanmar.A world renowned meditation master, Sayadaw is the author of In This Very Life;The Liberation Teachings of the Buddha, a book based on talks given by Sayadawin a three-month retreat at the Insight Meditation Society in Massachusetts,USA, in 1984. As of 2005, Sayadaw continues to lead retreats and give Dhammatalks, but rarely conducted interviews himself until his passing away at theage of 94 on 16 April 2016.