A Sariputta-Discourse together with the ancient Commentary showing how to think and act rightly
Translation & Explanatory Introduction by Soma Thera
Published by
No 2 Kampar Road
10460 Penang
First Published in 1946 by
Colombo, Sri Lanka
By arrangement with INWARD PATH PUBLISHER
Size: 5.5” x 8.25"
Pages: 95
With the realization of right understanding one can be said to have made a new interpretation of the world…
Such an interpretation is charged with the serenity and poise of a clear standpoint. It is neither optimistic and pessimistic since optimism and pessimism are children of passion and defilement and cannot enter into any true sizing up of things in the Buddhist way. The Buddhist standard of judgement is planted firm in actuality; it veers neither to right nor left, to flabby sensuality nor grim asceticism, but steadily moving away from all extremes and crookedness, in all its decisions, measures up phenomena, impartially and justly.
Those within the Buddha’s Dispensation possess the right understanding that is founded on the belief in moral causation and rebirth and also on the knowledge that accords to the Four Real Truths (cattari ariya saccani)….
It is with the full penetration of the knowledge of the Four Real Truths that right understanding becomes complete. One could fully penetrate the true nature of the world and reach the understanding that frees one from suffering for ever only through the entire comprehension of the Four Real Truths.
Translation & Explanatory Introduction by Soma Thera
Published by
No 2 Kampar Road
10460 Penang
First Published in 1946 by
Colombo, Sri Lanka
By arrangement with INWARD PATH PUBLISHER
Size: 5.5” x 8.25"
Pages: 95
With the realization of right understanding one can be said to have made a new interpretation of the world…
Such an interpretation is charged with the serenity and poise of a clear standpoint. It is neither optimistic and pessimistic since optimism and pessimism are children of passion and defilement and cannot enter into any true sizing up of things in the Buddhist way. The Buddhist standard of judgement is planted firm in actuality; it veers neither to right nor left, to flabby sensuality nor grim asceticism, but steadily moving away from all extremes and crookedness, in all its decisions, measures up phenomena, impartially and justly.
Those within the Buddha’s Dispensation possess the right understanding that is founded on the belief in moral causation and rebirth and also on the knowledge that accords to the Four Real Truths (cattari ariya saccani)….
It is with the full penetration of the knowledge of the Four Real Truths that right understanding becomes complete. One could fully penetrate the true nature of the world and reach the understanding that frees one from suffering for ever only through the entire comprehension of the Four Real Truths.
- Product Code: IJ131/07
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